Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Offended by Meyer and still without a contract

Mönchengladbach - At the suggestion of Max Eberl Christian Ziege has been promoted Saturday from Borussia president Rolf Königs the new sporting director.
Sunday he took Hans Meyer from Dusseldorf Airport to the common perception from the brink in Poland.
"First time I have again received three or four injuries, how blind I was a soccer player," Meyer told Eberl on Sunday in response to the first telephone contact. "Then we could talk about the Professional."
Meyer (66) head coach. Goat (36) co-trainer. Eberl (35) Sports Director - Borussia sporting new leadership. "I did not know in which office I should. I am yet to run into the youth department, knowing full well where will be my new office, "Eberl describes the start in his first day as manager of Meyer and goat.
"Christian has in its transition found in the coach area. Then, when everything is settled, I will recover. Quite slowly. "
Eberls contract for youth and amateurs was at training on Monday and not rewritten to sports chief Konitionen. "But we've talked about it," says Eberl. "That is no problem."